
Good morning, and welcome back.  I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving with family and friends.

Today’s image is from a little urbex shooting I did with Bob Lussier this past weekend in Lawrence.  I haven’t been able to figure out exactly what business once occupied this mill, but it seemed to us like it was some sort of foundry back in the day.  I had been tempted to venture into this building in the past, but decided to wait until I had a partner in crime to join me (thanks for the suggestion Bob).  Getting in through all the overgrowth surrounding the property was like a scene from a Harry Potter movie with vines grabbing at our feet and legs, but once inside we were rewarded with some really great photo opps.

In what appears to have been a mechanical room, I found this old generator which was oddly positioned right by several windows and a door.  Although the location was strange, it at least provided some light coming in to what was a really dark old building.  I’ll have more images from here to post in the coming days.

6 thoughts on “Westinghouse

  1. Hope you and your family enjoyed the holiday break as well, Steven.

    It’s so nice to find these old rundown places.That machine looks like some sort of old pump that likely put out a ton of noise during it’s day. 🙂 Nice shot, man. You captured the mood of this old place very well.

  2. Love the details and rust in this Steven. Love it. Just finished watching the men Who Built Who Built America series. A great series about the industrial revolution and the impact of machines like this.

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